First, let me thank all of my past customers for their business. It has been a pleasure working with each and every one of you. YOU make this the funnest job ever! I love it! I will continue to have a Facebook page that you may interact with and this site is per the request of fans of my page. Everyone has requested an off-site for pricing information and to keep up with the goings on happening with CNP. I do have new package pricing that will go into effect with all bookings after today. Anything booked (or in process of booking) before today will use the old system (which is just a la carte).
This blog will host the same information as the Facebook site, I will post specials and sneak peaks here. As always, please offer your feedback. And remember, the possibilities are endless with your imaginations. I look forward to the future of CNP and meeting you all in person someday!
Blessings ~ Christine